Lisbon Gay Tours - Legal Info

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.... BUT We Are Pet and Straight-Friendly Too

Lisbon Gay Tours, organizes and is responsible for all Tours

Private Gay Guided Tours -  Full Diplomacy and Confidence

Private Day Gay Tours

A reservation is necessary BUT is not required Any Payment In Advance, the payment must be made on the day tour in cash to the Driver/Tour Leader.
Private Tours do not include entrances and official guide services inside monuments, meals or other extras.
According to Portuguese law, official guided services inside monuments or on any other tourist attraction can only be provided by official guide and Official guides just by request and is considered an extra.
Ours Drivers / Tour Leaders are qualified to explain Portuguese history and all monuments and touristic attractions they give all information's about the places to be visited, we escorted our guest all the tour except inside the monuments.

General Information's

All tours are subject to be altered due to circumstances beyond our control.
We are open all year, but we remind you that National Monuments are closed on Public Holidays and Special Occasions Without Previous Notice.
The Tours schedules mentioned may be altered due to circumstances beyond our control.
We DO Not Provide Escort Services Of Any Kind

Insurance Policy

We have full insurance required by Portuguese Law.
We strongly recommend to our customers to be in possession of travel insurance.
In the event of an accident, all claims shall be judged in Portugal and according to the Portuguese Law.
We reserve the right to cancel any tour in the event of not satisfying all the safety measures required under Portuguese Law.
We are not responsible for any criminal activity, against our customers or our vehicles, which may result in damage or loss / property damage by, or to our customers.


Complains will only be accepted in written ( letter or e-mail ) directed to us, within the limit of 15 days after the service has been rendered. During the Tour or Service, demanding the respective documents to confirm the incident.

Prices / Confirmations

Long and Short Range Private Tours : Reservation is required for all our Long and Short Range Tours and Services, we reserve the right to require prepayment just for: Long and Short Range Tours that's included our Driver/Tour leader stay Overnight out of Lisbon Area ( 50 Km / 31 Milles ).
Prices confirmed at the time of reservation are the final.
Without a Reservation Confirmed by Us, Prices may be changed without prior notice


 GENERAL CONDITIONS Bmytravel and LisbonGayTours

  • These general conditions form an integral part of the travel program presented on our website, constituting, in the absence of an independent document, the travel contract.

The information is binding on the agency unless, cumulatively:

The program expressly provides for it;

Changes to the program are insignificant;

The change information is provided to the customer in a long-lasting support.

1.2. As presentes condições gerais obedecem ao disposto no Decreto-lei n.º 17/2018 de 08 de Março.

1.3. The General Conditions whose object is an organized trip or related travel service contained in this program, the corresponding standardized information sheets and the particular conditions contained in the travel documentation provided to the customer at the time of booking the trip constitute the travel contract that binds the parties.

1.4. When contracting with Bmytravel, ( Lisbongaytours ) the Customer acknowledges and accepts all the terms and conditions established and also declares to have taken express knowledge of all documents referred to in point 1.3


2.1. The organization and marketing of trips included on this website is the responsibility of Bmytravel (GONZALEZ & ACUNA – TURISMO, LDA., limited liability company with registered office at Praceta Eugénio De Castro, Nº 3, 12.º Dt.º, 2790 - 063 Carnaxide , registered at the Commercial Registry Office of Oeiras under the unique registration and legal person number 514592834), hereinafter presented as Bmytravel. In some duly identified programs, the organization is also the responsibility of different national and international tour operators. The travel documentation delivered to the customer always contains information regarding the operator and local representatives.


 3.1. Upon registration, the customer must deposit 30% of the service price, paying the remaining 70% up to 30 days before the start of the service. If registration takes place 30 days or less from the start date of the service, the total price must be paid at the time of registration, which is subject to the suppliers obtaining confirmation of reservations for all services. Bmytravel ( Lisbongaytours ) reserves the right to cancel any registration for which payment has not been made in accordance with these conditions. In some specific programs, promotions or in relation to festive seasons, these conditions may be different as imposed by the suppliers - in these cases, the information will be provided to the customer at the time of booking.

3.2. The customer must pay 100% of the value of the airline tickets to request their emission.

3.3. When not included in airline tickets, baggage and airport departure fees must be paid locally by passengers, at the airports where they are required. When selling organized trips, the customer will be informed in advance of the price of the trip and of fees or taxes not included in the price, but which are due depending on the trip (indicating Bmytravel at current or approximate values). This information will be provided at the time of booking the trip (although there is the possibility of changes by local authorities).

3.4. In programs where international flights are included, the price shown is based on the rate agreed between the operator and the airline and includes all aviation taxes. If there is no availability of seats at this rate when the customer registers, the available rates and respective supplements will be indicated. Fee values ​​change frequently and are therefore indicative and subject to reconfirmation up to 20 days before the start of the trip.

3.5. When registering, the client assumes the obligation to have been aware of and accepts these general conditions of participation, as well as the particular conditions associated with the travel program for which he or she is registering, and declares that he or she is in suitable health conditions for the trip. in which you register.

3.6. Some of the trips organized by Bmytravel take place in countries with structures, organization, cultures and mentalities that are very different from those of Portuguese and European everyday life. While this brings added interest to the trip, it can also bring unforeseen events, risks and different levels of service. When signing up, the client must be aware of these cultural differences, risks and physical demands and accept them. If you have any doubts, find out more about the country you want to visit, and/or tallk


4.1. Pursuant to Law No. 144/2015 of 8 September in its current wording, we inform you that the customer may resort to the following Alternative Consumer Dispute Resolution Entities:

  1. Customer Ombudsman for Travel and Tourism Agencies at;
  2. Portuguese Tourism Arbitration Commission at;


 5.1. Any non-conformity in the execution of a travel service included in the travel contract must be communicated to Bmytravel in writing as soon as such non-conformity occurs, without undue delay.

5.2. The right to submit complaints for the purpose of price reduction or the right to compensation for lack of conformity of travel services included in the organized trip expires within a period of 2 years.


6.1. Bmytravel is responsible for baggage under legal terms.

6.2. The customer has the obligation to complain to the entity providing the services when luggage is lost, damaged or destroyed.

6.3. In international transport, in the event of damage to luggage, the claim must be made in writing to the carrier immediately after verifying the damage, and within a maximum of 7 days of delivery. If there is a mere delay in the delivery of luggage, the complaint must be made within 21 days from the date of delivery.

6.4. The presentation of such a complaint will be an essential basis for triggering Bmytravel's liability over the entity providing the service.


 7.1. Bmytravel's liability will be limited to the maximum amount required from the entities providing the services, under the terms of the Montreal Convention, of May 28, 1999, on International Air Transport, and the Berne Convention, of 1961, on Rail Transport.

 7.2. With regard to maritime transport, Bmytravel's responsibility, in relation to its customers, for the provision of transport services, or accommodation, where applicable, by maritime transport companies, in the case of damage resulting from their willful intent or negligence, will have as limits the contracted amounts.

7.3. Bmytravel's liability for non-bodily damages may be contractually limited to the amount corresponding to three times the price of the service sold.


8.1. Each service booked through SITE is subject to a service fee that will be informed during the process and before the reservation request is made.

8.2. When making the reservation, the customer accepts the fees mentioned there.

8.3. In some cases, in the bank statements of the card account used, debits made by the AGENCY and service providers directly may appear.

8.4. The above is due to the fact that, in some services, the customer is redirected to the service provider's website with payment made directly to a supplier and the service fees to the AGENCY.

8.5. In the case of flights, airport taxes are broken down and differentiated from the cost of the air ticket.

8.6. In some destinations, there are airport, entry, exit, local taxes and other charges, which must be paid locally and which are not included in the information returned by the search.

8.7. Some cities charge a tourist tax, this being indicated prior to booking. As a rule, the value is not included in the price of accommodation and must be paid locally.

8.8. Change Expenses: For each change (names, dates, type of apartment or room, travel, etc.): depending on the product contracted.

Please note that changes may in certain situations imply the cancellation of the initial service with the applicable cancellation costs (as set out in 17th below) and the making of a new reservation with the intended change and are dependent on acceptance by the respective suppliers


 9.1. The client must have their personal or family documentation in good order (identity card, military documentation, authorization for minors, visas, vaccination certificate and others that may be required). Bmytravel declines any responsibility for refusing to grant visas or not allowing the client to enter a foreign country, and any and all costs that this situation may entail are the client's responsibility.

9.2. Travel in the European Union:

  • Customers (regardless of age) who travel within the European Union must be in possession of the respective civil identification document (passport; ID card, Citizen Card);
  • To obtain medical assistance, they must have the respective European Health Insurance Card;
  • Nationals of non-EU countries must consult specific information regarding the documentation required for travel at the embassies/consulates of their countries of origin;

9.3. Travel outside the European Union:

  • Customers (regardless of age) traveling outside the European Union must be in possession of their respective civil identification document (passport) as well as a visa if necessary (obtain this information from Bmytravel at the time of booking);
  • We emphasize that, in the case of flights that transit through the United States of America and other countries that require authorization or entry visa, before reaching the final destination, even if only in transit, the entry formalities in that country must be observed.
  • Nationals of non-EU countries should consult specific information regarding the documentation required for travel at the embassies/consulates of their countries of origin.

9.4. Minors traveling together with their parents or authorized by their parents with other adults are required to have their own identification document; citizen card or identity card, passport. When traveling with a passport, they must also carry an identity card.

9.5. Some countries for which the presentation of a passport is required require that it be valid for more than 6 months after the date of departure from the destination country.

9.6. Client's data:

  • When booking your trip with Bmytravel, the customer gives express consent to Bmytravel to request and use their personal data for the purposes of preparing and booking the trip, under the General Data Protection Regulation.
  • When booking your trip with Bmytravel, the customer gives express consent that all information provided in relation to your trip (including personal data) may be transmitted to government authorities for the purposes of border control and security in transatlantic air travel.


 10.1. If the suppliers of the trip in question allow, whenever a customer, registered for a specific trip, wishes to change their registration to another trip or to the same one departing on a different date, or any other possible change, they must pay the fee mentioned above , such as alteration expenses.

10.2. However, when the change takes place 30 days or less in advance of the departure date of the trip, for which the customer is registered, or if the service providers do not accept the change, he or she will be subject to the expected expenses and charges. in the `Termination of the Contract by the Customer` clause.

10.3. After the trip has begun, if a change is requested to the contracted services for reasons not attributable to Bmytravel (e.g. extension of nights' stay, change of flight), the prices of tourist services may not correspond to those published in the program that motivated the contracting.


11.1. The customer may transfer their registration, replacing themselves with another person who meets all the conditions required for the trip, provided that they inform Bmytravel, in writing, up to seven consecutive days before the scheduled departure date and that such transfer possible under applicable air transport regulations.

11.2. The assignor and the assignee are jointly responsible for paying the outstanding balance and fees, charges or additional costs arising from the assignment, which will be duly informed and proven by Bmytravel.

12.1. Whenever, before the start of the organized trip,

  1. i) Bmytravel is forced to significantly change any of the main characteristics of the travel services,

(ii) or is unable to meet the special requirements requested by the customer, provided that these have been communicated in writing by the customer to Bmytravel and accepted by Bmytravel, prior to payment of the customer's registration for the trip,

(iii) or propose to increase the price of the organized trip by more than 8%,

The customer may, within 24 hours:

  • Accept the proposed change;
  • Terminate the contract, without any penalty, being reimbursed for the amounts paid;
  • Accept an organized replacement trip proposed by Bmytravel, being reimbursed in case of price difference.

12.2. The lack of response from the customer within the deadline set by Bmytravel will imply tacit acceptance of the proposed change.


13.1. When the trip depends on a minimum number of participants, Bmytravel reserves the right to cancel the organized trip if the number of participants reached is lower than the minimum. In these cases, the customer will be informed in writing of the cancellation within the following period:

  1. 20 days before the start of the organized trip, in the case of trips lasting more than six days;
  2. 7 days before the start of the organized trip, in the case of trips lasting two to six days;
  3. 48 hours before the start of the organized trip, in the case of trips lasting less than two days.

13.2. Before the start of the organized trip, Bmytravel may also terminate the contract if it is prevented from executing it due to unavoidable and exceptional circumstances.

13.3. Termination of the travel contract by Bmytravel under the terms referred to above only gives the customer the right to a full refund of payments made within a maximum period of 14 days after termination of the travel contract.

13.4. Bmytravel declines any responsibility arising from the fact that the customer has purchased any other tourist service on their own (namely flights, accommodation, transfers, excursions, among others) before obtaining information from Bmytravel about confirmation of the trip.


14.1. The prices contained in the program are based on the costs of services and exchange rates in force at the date of publication of the program, and are therefore subject to changes (price increase or reduction) resulting from variations in the cost of transport or fuel, taxes, fees and exchange rate fluctuations up to 30 days before the date of travel.

14.2. If the increase in question exceeds 8% of the total price of the organized trip, the provisions of the clause `Changes to be made by Bmytravel` will apply.

14.3. In the event of a price reduction, Bmytravel reserves the right to deduct the corresponding administrative expenses from the refund made to the customer, which will be justified at the customer's request.


15.1. Once the trip has started, no refund is due for services not used by the customer due to force majeure or reasons attributable to the customer, except for reimbursement by the respective suppliers. Failure to provide services provided for in the travel program for reasons attributable to Bmytravel and if it is not possible to replace them with other equivalent ones, gives the customer the right to be reimbursed for the difference between the price of the services provided and those actually provided.


16.1. The customer is free to cancel the trip at any time before the start of the trip.

16.2. Such termination implies that the customer is responsible for paying all charges that the beginning of compliance with the contract and its withdrawal give rise to, less the reallocation of services and cost savings.

16.3. When applicable, the customer will be reimbursed for the difference between the amount paid and the amounts mentioned above. In this situation, the refund will be made, minus the termination fee, within a maximum period of 14 days after the termination of the travel contract.

16.4. The customer also has the right to terminate the travel contract before it begins without paying any termination fee, if unavoidable and exceptional circumstances occur at the destination or in its immediate vicinity that considerably affect the travel or the transport of passengers. to the destination. Termination of the travel contract in this situation only gives the customer the right to a full refund of payments made.

16.5. Cancellation of travel services/organized trips whose reservation was made using the voucher issued under Decree-Law no. 17/2020 of 23 April as a form of payment is subject to a termination fee equal to the price of the service, in order to avoid simulated or fraudulent reservations made solely with the intention of anticipating the receipt of the amounts entitled to the voucher.


17.1. Bmytravel is responsible for the correct execution of all travel services included in the travel contract.

17.2. When it comes to organized trips, Bmytravel is responsible to the customer, even if the services must be performed by third parties and without prejudice to the right of return, under the general applicable terms.

17.3. Organizing travel and tourism agencies respond jointly with retail agencies, in the case of organized trips.

17.4. In other travel services, Bmytravel is responsible for the correct issuance of accommodation and transport tickets and also for the guilty choice of service providers, if these have not been suggested by the customer.

17.5. If Bmytravel intervenes as an intermediary in sales or reservations of separate travel services, it is responsible for errors in issuing the respective titles, even in cases resulting from technical deficiencies in the reservation systems that are attributable to them.

17.6. Bmytravel is responsible for any errors due to technical deficiencies in the reservation system that are attributable to it and, if it has agreed to book an organized trip or travel services that are part of related travel services, for errors made during the reservation process.

17.7. Bmytravel is not responsible for booking errors that are attributable to the customer or that are caused by unavoidable and exceptional circumstances.


18.1. In the event of difficulties faced by the customer, or when, for reasons beyond their control, the customer cannot complete the organized trip, Bmytravel will provide the following assistance:

  1. Provision of adequate information about health services, local authorities and consular assistance; It is
  2. Assistance to the customer in carrying out remote communications and finding alternative travel solutions.

18.2. If the difficulty underlying the request for assistance was caused by the customer deliberately or through negligence, Bmytravel may charge a fee in the amount of the costs incurred as a result of providing such assistance.

18.3. If due to unavoidable and exceptional circumstances, the customer is unable to return, Bmytravel is responsible for ensuring the necessary accommodation costs, if possible of equivalent category, for a period not exceeding three nights per customer. Bmytravel is jointly and severally responsible for the obligation in question, without prejudice to the right of return, under the general applicable terms.

18.4. The cost limitation set out above does not apply to people with reduced mobility, nor to their companions, pregnant women and unaccompanied children, nor to people who require specific medical care, provided that Bmytravel has been notified of these specific needs at least 48 hours before the start of the organized trip.


 19.1. In the event of Bmytravel's insolvency, the customer may appeal to the Travel and Tourism Guarantee Fund, and to do so, contact Turismo de Portugal I.P, the entity responsible for the respective activation:

Turismo de Portugal, I.P. Rua Ivone Silva, Lot 6,

1050-124 Lisbon

Tel. 211 140 200 | Fax 211 140 830

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


20.1. The responsibility of the travel agency as organizer and seller of trips included in its programs and arising from the obligations assumed is guaranteed by civil liability insurance with the insurance company in accordance with current legislation.

20.2. Bmytravel also offers the sale of insurance that can be purchased depending on the trip to guarantee assistance situations and cancellation expenses.

 21 VAT

 21.1. The prices mentioned in this program already reflect Value Added Tax at the current rate (23%)


 22.1. The programs presented on our website are valid until the last travel return date for each of them.


 23.1. Bmytravel offers the following payment method:- Transferência Bancária

23.2. Payment for services using pre-purchased products such as travel checks and others is not possible automatically and through the SITE and requires the presentation of original documents.

23.3. Travel documents are issued after payment and verification of good collection. Bmytravel reserves the right to cancel reservations that have not been paid within the indicated deadlines or if fraud is suspected.

23.4. If a fraud situation occurs, the services are automatically canceled regardless of whether travel documents are issued or even the trip and/or stay has already started.


Portuguese legislation will apply to all disputes arising from the interpretation or execution of these General Conditions.



Bmytravel reserves the right to change these General Conditions at any time and whenever necessary, making this known to the customer prior to making the reservation. Such change will not, however, affect reservations already made.


 If any part or provision of these General Conditions is considered null or of no effect, the remaining provisions will remain in force and their overall validity will not be affected unless it is possible to conclude that the parties would not have agreed to the provision of the service or supply of the product if they had foreseen the nullity or ineffectiveness of the provision in question.

 27 NOTES:

          These general conditions may be complemented by any other specific ones as long as they are duly agreed by the parties.

  • Program prices are based on the average dollar exchange rate, meaning that any relevant derivation from this currency may imply a review of travel prices under the terms set out in the `Price Change` clause.
  • Due to constant changes in the price of fuel over current prices, there may be a change in the fuel supplement inserted in the price under the terms set out in the `Change to price` clause.
  • The categories of hotels and cruises presented in the travel programs follow the quality standards of the host country, and may be changed to similar ones when, for reasons beyond Bmytravel's control, it is not possible to maintain or confirm the existing reservation, Bmytravel being obliged to inform the customer as soon as they become aware of it.

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Apartado 2, EC Sintra - 2711-901 Sintra

  +351 924 437 347