Portugal Lisbon Cruising Spots

We Have a Special Tour to show the cruising areas in Lisbon and around Lisbon

Try to act not to showy because some of the Portuguese Gay Guys are not so open about their gayness.

Do Not Forget and be alert, cruising in Portugal is generally accepted, but in some places, people tend to react a bit hostile when confronted with the situations.


Universidade Lisboa - By Car is a ffriendly place to cruise with young and older gaymens, you just need to go around and around the university buildings.

Parque Eduardo VII - We do not advice because is a dangerous place with young prostitutes, special on the small bridge and along the park, if you decide to go ? use the car a lock the doors, be alert.

Around Lisbon :

Costa da Caparica : ( 12Km / 8 Mill from Lisbon ): - Beach19, you can cruise at different spots along the dunes and on the bushes.
Always loads of people of all ages and ( included straight guys who love to rum along the beach and stop at beach 19 just for suet and them return to their wife’s ).
During the winter cruising is on the parking lot, open space they park the cars and them they go to the bushes, just a simple advice, be alert and do not go there after dark.

Zona Industrial de Coina : ( 25 Km / 15 Mill from Lisbon ) :  is like an open market, Cruising is by car going around and around and around and around the warehouses  buildings, is a friendly place, just stop the car and go inside the forest, quite save during the day but be aware after the sunset, that place works 24/24 hours day, 365 days per year

Queluz Gardem ( Matinha de Queluz )

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  +351 924 437 347