Briefing About Portugal

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Portugal Gay Information - Lisbon Gay Tours

Portugal is one of the World's Most Ancient Countries, is the Country Lying Along the Atlantic Coast of the Iberian Peninsula in South Western Europe.

General Facts

Gay Marriage
Same-sex ( Gay ) Marriage is legal in Portugal since June 5th , 2010.

Country Name --- Portugal

Area --- 92,389 sq km (36,030 sq mi)

Population --- 10.5 million

Capital City --- Lisbon ( pop 530,000)

Time --- Local time is GMT ( GMT +1 from last Sunday in March to Saturday before last Sunday in October ).

Official Language --- Official language is Portuguese, but English and Spanish is generally spoken and understood.

Communications --- The international access code for Portugal is ( +351 ), there are no area or city codes required, also Portugal is well covered by three GSM mobile phone networks, Internet cafes are available in most towns and resorts.

Electricity --- Electrical current is 220 volts, 50Hz. Round two-pin plugs are used.

Safety Information --- In general, safety is not a problem in Portugal, but our days pick pocketing and petty theft in tourist areas is a rising incidence, reasonable care should be taken.

Driving --- Driving in Portugal sometimes is an adventure special in the big cities, so exercise caution and drive defensively when exploring in a rented car.

Tipping --- Service charges are not usually added to hotel and restaurant bills, otherwise it is customary to leave a 10% tip.

Currency --- Euro €

Religion --- 95% Roman Catholic, 5% Other Religions

Government --- Parliamentary Democrat

President --- Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa

Prime Minister --- Luis Montenegro

Economic Data of Portugal

Major Economic Sectors --- Industry, technology, finance, construction, tourism and agriculture

Main Products Produced --- Agro-livestock, grains, potatoes, tomatoes, olives, olive oil, grapes, sheep, cattle, goats, pigs, poultry, dairy products, fish.

Major Manufactured Products --- Textiles, clothing, footwear, wood, cork, paper, chemicals, auto parts, metals, dairy products, wine.

Major Exported Products --- Agricultural products, food products, oil products, chemicals, plastics and rubber, skins and leather, wood and cork, pulp and paper, textiles, clothing.

Major Economic Partners ( Export ) --- Spain, Germany, France, Angola

Major Economic Partners ( Import ) --- Spain, Germany, Italy, France

Geography of Portugal

Portugal is a coastal nation in south-western Europe, located at the western end of the Iberian Peninsula, bordering Spain ( on its northern and eastern frontiers: a total of 1,214 km (754 mi )).

Portuguese territory also includes a series of archipelagos in the Atlantic Ocean ( the Azores and Madeira ), which are strategic islands along western sea approaches to the Strait of Gibraltar and the Mediterranean Sea.

North: Spain (more specifically Galicia).
East : Spain (more specifically Castile and Leon, Extremadura and Andalusia).
South: Atlantic Ocean (Gulf of Cadiz in particular).
West: Atlantic Ocean.
Mainland Portugal is split in two by its main river, the Tagus.

Controversies between Portugal and Spain

Despite these definitions, Portugal's border with Spain remains an unresolved territorial dispute between the two countries.
Portugal does not recognize the border between Caia and Cuncos River deltas, since the beginning of the 1801 by the occupation of Olivenza by Spain.
This territory, Olivenza though under the Spanish occupation, is to Portugal a dispute, consequently no border is recognized in this area.

Location ---  Portugal is located on the Atlantic coast of this plateau, and crossed by several rivers which have their origin in Spain. Most of these rivers flow from east to west disgorging in the Atlantic; from north to south, the primary rivers are the Minho, Douro, Tagus ( Tejo ) and the Guadiana.

Size --- The continental shelf has an area of 28,000 km2 (11,000 sq mi), although its width is variable from 150 km in the north to 25 km in the south.

Sea / Ocean --- Its strong relief is marked by deep submarine canyons and the continuation of the main rivers, Portuguese government claims plus 200 Nautical Miles of exploitation, As a result of its maritime possessions and coastline, Portugal has the Third Largest Exclusive Economic Zone of the European Union countries (and eleventh in the world ).

Lakes --- No large natural lakes exist in Continental Portugal, where the largest inland water surfaces are dam-originated reservoirs, ( such as the Alqueva reservoir with 250 km2, the largest in Europe ).

Terrain --- Mountainous and hilly north of the Tagus River, rolling plains in south

Natural Resources --- Fish, forests ( cork ), tungsten, iron ore, uranium ore, marble, arable land, hydroelectric power.

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